About James
With more than 35 years of experience as an emergency responder, he is also a FLETC Certified Backcountry Ranger (federal), a USPA Certified Skydiver, a Red Cross Certified Lifeguard (Instructor), a decade-long member of the National Ski Patrol, a DOI Red Card Certified Wildland Fire Fighter, a National Registry Certified EMT, an ICS Search And Rescue Coordinator, and a FEMA SAR Manager.
In the immediate days following 9/11, he took emergency leave. He drove through the night to Ground Zero while it was still burning to assist cleanup efforts under toxic air conditions. This is just one of many examples of the thousands of hours of voluntary service he has given, many during catastrophic disasters and emergencies worldwide. As of 2023, James has worked in 34 countries and lived or traveled in more than 50.
Within the United States, James has volunteered for more than a dozen LGBTQ, Hospice, and women’s charities, along with helping to raise money for multiple women’s shelter fundraisers. His endless altruism all came full circle more than a decade later when he achieved the honor of being the first and only male ever to be Awarded the ‘Women at Ground Zero Scholarship’ to help EMS workers pay for post-graduate studies. This unique honor highlights his tireless dedication to gender equality and dogged consistency in finding ways to show up and help out in the most critical times and challenging places with the greatest need.
Educator at Heart
In higher academia, he has completed an array of accreditations and degrees attending Cambridge University UK, the London School of Economics, University of Redlands, and Harvard Medical School.
His deep understanding of the human body and love of education led him to a teaching position at Johns Hopkins Medical School for two years. He left this position when he was selected to be the FOX5 On-Air Health, Fitness, and Nutrition Editor, broadcasting live for five years to an audience of more than 200,000 viewers.
Flexibility When Fighting For Causes
The confines of regular career paths have never restricted James; instead, he goes where he sees the greatest need. After losing a family member to gun violence, James went back to work for the government, this time in federal law enforcement, tracking violent criminals for more than a decade in all four corners of the United States. Literally. All four corners. He built cases against white power groups in the Northeast as well as street gangs in California. He attained convictions against protected wildlife poachers in Arctic Alaska, as well as maritime cartel smugglers in the Florida Keys.
After a decade of protecting and serving the public in federal law enforcement, his invariably adventurous work took him overseas again. First to the violent Eastern Congo, then back up to the Middle East for a second time, 20 years after his military deployment to the same region. As an Independent Contractor currently living on the shores of the Persian Gulf, he has been able to leverage his extensive knowledge and experience to once again be where he is most needed.
These days, he is pursuing his passion for helping refugees. This interest was first sparked in the 1980s when James was just a boy, brought along by his dad to welcome and play with child refugees from genocide regions, primarily Cambodia whose family members were lost in the killing fields. At the same time, his father worked with their remaining relatives and caretakers to set them up with housing, jobs, and schools in their new lives.
Balancing Professional and Personal Life
Even outside his professional ventures, James Wusterbarth’s commitment shines through. His lifelong dedication to health, nutrition, and fitness are reflected in his unwavering dedication to helping friends, colleagues, and clients improve their own health and well-being. Above all, his commitment to family and the active daily involvement in raising four children demonstrates his nurturing side.
His deeply purposeful life is a testament to his undying commitment – to his personal, professional, and educational pursuits and to always serving others. James’ leadership and extensive charitable endeavors show his strong sense of responsibility and multi-decade commitment to bettering the world around him. Combined with his quest for continuous learning and commitment to family, he has forged a life path incorporating various interests and achievements. As he continues fostering these virtues, he motivates by example, demonstrating that an unwavering commitment to service leaves plenty of room for adventures around the world and bettering oneself in the process.

James Wusterbarth